
We will meet with you at the property location to be decorated to discuss your design project.

The services and products we can provide:

  • We can purchase all decorations needed for your design based on a budget of your choosing or use any decorations you supply. 

  • Install and decorate Christmas trees 

  • Design and install wreaths for indoor and outdoor locations.

  • Decorate and install garland for indoor and outdoor locations. 

  • Take down decorations and package them to stored for next year. 

Commercial service design inquiry

  1. Fill out the form located on the Contact tab and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Be sure to include as many details as you can.  
  2.  We will call you to schedule an onsite visit to discuss the scope of your decorating  project.  
  3.  At our in person meeting we will discuss and review your decorating plan. It will help if you know the location of all power outlets we can use for the decorations.